Monday, April 15, 2019

Solution for Ktag clone Kess V2 checksum error

Solution for Ktag clone Kess V2 checksum error.

If you have a Problem with Ktag clone Kess v2 checksum error When R/W only flash .
For example if i want to read only flash (ex.sid 803 )or micro (ex.edc17c14)at the end of reading 99% it write checksum error and every file is different .What i can to read and write good in master version .

 Solution as follows :

If you have problem with checksum when R/W only flash ,your OS dont have C++ library 

Two way :

1 - Download C++ library from net and install it .


2 - downloade from alientech website Ksuite 1.85

  • install it .it will install C++ automatically and remove dir C:\Ksiute   .
  • Replace it with Ksiute dir which you get rom your clone suplier
  • Restart Windows  and be happy with your master Ktag.

Don't start Ksiute with your clone before you Replace Ksiute directory !

From    Santidiag    Poste  Solution for Ktag clone Kess V2 checksum error

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